So I'm still in shock that Jon and Kate have decided to divorce. I of all people know...it happens, it did for me. However, I guess I saw them as "different" when instead they are normal people like me and you except for the fact that their every move has been followed. The pressure they have faced, especially when all this "crap" leaked out about infidelity, and still face has to be incredible...I can't imagine. I understand when they said, "It is not something that has just happened but is something we have been dealing with for a while", however, the latest "crap" has had to have made things much worse. What is upsetting to me is that I have unanswered questions. Did they even try to work it out? Did they seek counseling? And what about their faith and belief in God...did they turn to God for help in working through the issues, and if not...why not? I look back to all the speaking engagements they have done at churches and all they have said about their relationship with God and how He's first in their relationship...was that all just a joke? It seems to me it was. I guess I'm feeling betrayed...why? Because I took an interest in them and felt like I "knew" them as our "neighbors" because they were "right in our backyard", I felt drawn to their story more so because they were a local couple. Also, their Christianity made me feel "bonded" and connected with them. I also saw their life/show as an encouragement to me. I would say, "If Jon & Kate can do it with eight, I can do it with two!" So hearing that they have "given up" has saddened me...I feel like I was left down. I feel for them both and mostly their children; however, at this time, I'm feeling more for Kate. It seems, in a way, after watching the show Monday, that Jon grew tired of his life...when you get tired of a commitment you can't just walk away; you can, but it's not right. And for him to say that he is excited about the new chapter in his life, well how can their be any excitement..this situation is anything but one that should be causing this type of reaction. My prayers are with them ALL!
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