Friday, June 26, 2009

Death Does Happen in "3's"

Let me tell you...death really happens in "3's". I saw it all the time in the nursing home I worked at. This week was no different. We lost "3" icons this week, Ed McMahon; Farrah Fawcitt; and now, Michael Jackson. I can't say I remember McMahon from what most of the nation is remembering him for...I'm too young. I remember him from "Star Search" and "Publisher's Clearing House". Farrah, doesn't everyone know she was from "Charlie's Angels", I'm kind of too young for that too...however, I do remember watching the was good. In my mind, I remember her from her most recent endeavors. Two of my favorites were the "Burning Bed" and the 1994 movie "The Substitute Wife"...a pioneer movie that I loved. She died from a terrible form of cancer, all forms are terrible, but she had anal cancer, and because of her celebrity she has shed light on the awareness of this form of cancer. The good thing about her passing is that she is no longer in pain, that is...if she's in heaven, otherwise, she is suffering from a pain greater than she, or any of us, could ever possibly imagine. For her sake, I hope she is "above" and not "below". As for Michael on where he is...I cannot speculate based on the things he did and didn't do in his past...only God is the judge and knows where he is...same for McMahon.

I wish all of their families God's comfort and peace.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Still Sad About "Jon & Kate"

So I'm still in shock that Jon and Kate have decided to divorce. I of all people happens, it did for me. However, I guess I saw them as "different" when instead they are normal people like me and you except for the fact that their every move has been followed. The pressure they have faced, especially when all this "crap" leaked out about infidelity, and still face has to be incredible...I can't imagine. I understand when they said, "It is not something that has just happened but is something we have been dealing with for a while", however, the latest "crap" has had to have made things much worse. What is upsetting to me is that I have unanswered questions. Did they even try to work it out? Did they seek counseling? And what about their faith and belief in God...did they turn to God for help in working through the issues, and if not...why not? I look back to all the speaking engagements they have done at churches and all they have said about their relationship with God and how He's first in their relationship...was that all just a joke? It seems to me it was. I guess I'm feeling betrayed...why? Because I took an interest in them and felt like I "knew" them as our "neighbors" because they were "right in our backyard", I felt drawn to their story more so because they were a local couple. Also, their Christianity made me feel "bonded" and connected with them. I also saw their life/show as an encouragement to me. I would say, "If Jon & Kate can do it with eight, I can do it with two!" So hearing that they have "given up" has saddened me...I feel like I was left down. I feel for them both and mostly their children; however, at this time, I'm feeling more for Kate. It seems, in a way, after watching the show Monday, that Jon grew tired of his life...when you get tired of a commitment you can't just walk away; you can, but it's not right. And for him to say that he is excited about the new chapter in his life, well how can their be any excitement..this situation is anything but one that should be causing this type of reaction. My prayers are with them ALL!

No Swine Flu

Well, Bill FINALLY went to the doctor today after "not feeling well" for over a month and being off work this whole week so far. I had told him before, jokingly, "I hope you don't have swine flu; you better get checked out." Well like most men, he hates going to the doctors. So when he said this morning that he was making an appointment I knew he must really not be feeling well and that he had finally grown "sick" off not feeling well. I didn't really think that he had the swine flu for the reason that he hasn't had a fever...he does of course have an URI and an ear infection. Hopefully, the antibiotics will kick in Fast so he can get back to "feeling like himself". It's horrible being sick and not feeling well in the summer.

My Beautiful Children

It's hard to believe this picture was taken last year and that they seem to have grown so much. KateLynne hates when I take her picture, so it will be a challange getting pictures of her.

Flying solo

Well, I'm getting ready to leave to deliver my papers. I'm flying solo today. Since school left out, Brady has been going along to help me...and a big help it is. I drive, he delivers. Today will take a little longer than when he helps me but that's ok. It gives me "alone time", since they are out of school now. Hopefully, the papers are on time today so I can get out and get done. It is definitely going to be a hot one today.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Can Money Be Made?

Good Evening!
Well, it's late at night...late for us anyway, and everyone else is in bed. I found a site today that showed how money can be made using the "AdSense" program through Goggle, that basically generates money, when adds are clicked, for Google and you. You place adds on your blog and when the adds are "clicked", it means..."Cha-Ching" money for you. We shall see. It did take a while to set up, as you have to set it up in HTML format, and while I'm computer literate, I don't consider myself a computer genius.

After much effort I believe I have set it up correctly. So now what? I wait for money to "start rolling in?" Hhhmm, sounds too good to be true to me. I'll keep you posted.

Do I Know What I'm Doing?

Good Afternoon All!
So I'm sure you can see that this is my first blog. I've always wondered, "what's the big deal with having a blog?" I guess I'm about to find out. Will I even have time to post daily comments about what's happening in my life and my family? I guess you will have to check back from time to time to see.

Well, I can now say, "I've posted my first blog!"